Wednesday 20 January 2016

Thailand: Surat Thani - Koh Samui (Day 1)

Here we are @ Surat Thani Airport.
A very small airport with some restaurant, cafes, convenient shop and souvenir shops.
下飞机 → 将护照、机票和入境卡(飞机上发,自己填)交给移民局官员,让其盖章入境→ 
拿回护照与出境卡(回程用,别丢失)→ 完成。
看似简单的过程也要耗了我们三十分钟,有点久哦 : (
Long queue at the immigration counter. Luckily we don't need a visa to enter Thailand.
走出机场到达大厅后就会看到醒目的 Phantip Travel 售票处。
Come out from the arrival hall in Surat Thani Airport, you will see the counter for Phantip Travel.
They do offer combo ticket which include airport transfer to the Donsak Pier(jetty), 
ticket for the Seatran ferry ticket to Koh Samui and transport to hotel.
我们买了来回联票(包括巴士接送从苏梅岛国际机场到 Donsak 碼頭,到梅岛的渡轮费用与包車接送到酒店)。一站式服务。
We bought the combo 2 ways ticket.
This is the transfer bus.
They will have people standing outside to assist you.
(左)巴士车票 ;(右)渡轮票卷
(Left) Ticket for bus transfer; (Right) Ferry ticket.
At Donsak Jetty, do check the ferry timetable at the counter.
We can only enter the boarding area 15 minutes before the departure time.
蓝天白云。 Nice weather.
我们的零食. Snack time!
慢慢逼近 Koh Samui Nathon 码头. Approaching Nathon Jetty.
Here we are,Koh Samui!

下了渡轮只管跟大队去寻找我们的接驳车。Nathon码头去我们的位于查汶海滩的民宿 Penzy Guesthouse(Chaweng) 差不多要45分钟 - 1个小时。
Get out from the ferry and look for the Phantip staff, they will direct the way to the designated van according to our hotel area. It takes about 45-60 minutes drive from the jetty to our guesthouse - Penzy Guesthouse (or Sunny Guesthouse) in Chaweng.
很简约的民宿。A very simple room.
沿着大街走到 Chaweng Walking Street Market 里的美食中心。
We had our dinner @ the food court in Chaweng Walking Street Market
Whole row of food stalls selling mainly seafood, iced drinks, thai and western food.
Thai-style stir-fried chicken with chillies & basil served with white rice (Spicy).
TomYam Seafood Soup with rice
BBQ chicken and pork. Chicken was ok but the pork is too hard
Dinner done! Is time to go back and have a good rest : )

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